Bridge Ministries exists to serve the local church… to build up and bring together the pieces that are currently divided or standing alone for increased effectiveness in the community. Here are a few ways that we are serving people and churches in the community:

Speaking in churches and organizations about reconcilation and unity
Mentoring young leaders to live and lead with passion and relevance
Encouraging pastors and churches to remain faithful in reaching outside their walls
Providing encouragement and support to civic, business and agency leaders and networking them with the local church
Announcing opportunities for training and growth
Helping churches network and find the resources and personnel needed
Sponsoring public prayer gatherings to pray for the city and the church
Building friendships with and between those separated by race, denomination, geography, gender or socio-economic status
Creating and supporting coalitions of like-minded or similarly targeted ministries
Hosting events to build awareness, understanding, respect and dialogue between those divided
Bringing together the leaders of local ministers’ fellowships to find a common purpose and goals
In addition, Gary spends time each week investing in the spiritual development of the Rock River Valley YMCA. He also leads Caledonia Congregational Church, so he practices first-hand what he is helping other pastors to do.
We simply are here to be helpful. We long to see the church come together as one, stand alongside one another, and together, transform our community. Please let us know how we can serve you